Title: Lady Margaret Beaufort, later Countess of Richmond and Derby (1441/1443 – 1509), was the mother of King Henry VII and paternal grandmother of King Henry VIII of England. She was a key figure in the Wars of the Roses and an influential matriarch of the House of Tudor (Britton Images).
Titled, Dated, and Signed in plate: Margaret Countess of Richmond and Derby. Sign manual of Margaret Countess of Richmond & Derby. From the original instrument in the possession of John Thane.
Dimensions: 6 3/8" x 3 1/4". Backing sheet 20" x 13".
Date: Late XVIII C.
Materials and Techniques: Etching on wove paper affixed at the upper corners to the backing sheet.
Provenance: The Estate of George "Yorgo" Demetrakopoulos; professor, assistant director of the Medieval Institute, and assistant to the dean at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, from 1965-2000.
Condition: Trimmed within the platemark. The signs of aging are appropriate for the time. A detailed condition report is available on demand.
Museums and Libraries: The National Library of Wales 99233549802419.
Art Movements, Periods & Schools: British School XVIII C.
Acknowledgement: This entry incorporates text from Wikipedia and the catalog entry of a similar item from the Britton Images online collection.