Title: Nobleman. Print from Cosmographia by Sebastian Münster.
Dimensions: 3 1/4" x 2".
Date: XVI C. Cosmographia by Sebastian Münster passed through 24 editions in 100 years. This success was due to the notable woodcuts (some by Hans Holbein the Younger, Urs Graf, Hans Rudolf Manuel Deutsch, and David Kandel).
Materials and Techniques: Woodcut on paper, letterpress verso.
Provenance: The Estate of George "Yorgo" Demetrakopoulos; professor, assistant director of the Medieval Institute, and assistant to the dean at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, from 1965-2000.
Condition: The signs of aging are appropriate for the time. A detailed condition report is available on demand.
Part of: page CCCLXVI in the edition of "Cosmographei oder beschreibung aller länder, herschafften, fürnemsten stetten, geschichten, gebreüche[n], hantierungen..." etc. By Sebastian Münster, 1550.
Art Movements, Periods & Schools: German School XVI C.
Note: This entry incorporates text from Wikipedia.